Thursday, July 23, 2009

Congratulations Chris!

On TOP of the World!!
Nominated, interviewed and now selected as a Byrce Harlow Fellow for the 09-10 academic year!!!

**Your professional, academic, and leadership achievements, combined with your strong interest in a career in advocacy are extremely impressive. Being awarded the Bryce Harlow Fellowship truly demonstrates your achievements as well as your commitment to integrity in professional advocacy. It is a pleasure to be able to assist you in pursuing you graduate degree with this award**

From Mom and Dad Barber-
"We all recognize your efforts in completing your degree work for your Masters Program and we are all especially pleased that others (Bryce Harlow Fellowship) have also recognized your education, avocation, and continued efforts to improve yourself. Not only are we excited and pleased we now have new information to spread to our friends as we 'gush' about our family and loved ones endeavors."


Brittanie Lockard said...

Wow, that is SUPER! I say we celebrate with some Cadillac Margaritas :)

Congrats Chris! And seriously, where is that picture taken? Amazing! (Yes Chris, we already know you are, but the scenery ain't bad either.)

Erica said...

that picture is at Humpback Rock near Charlottesville.... a long time ago..when we first started dating. Amazing views and a lot of fun!